Fantastic Beast: The Crime of Grindelwald

Fantastic Beast: The Crimes of Grindelwald—½


If this movie is summed up in one Harry Potter spell, it would be, ‘Wingardium Sleepyosa”. It’s like a filler episode in anime, hollow, and pointless. Easily the worst movie from the Harry Potter franchise, by quite a margin.

Can’t believe a movie about magic and wizarding world would be so unspectacular, and dull. Filled with massive overbearing expositions, too many subplots that strayed away from the main plot, if there’s one.

Characters explaining the plot works in books, but not in movies where it is a visual medium. Show don’t tell.


So many scenes of two people talking while going somewhere, that rival the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. I don’t remember any Crime of Grindelwald, the only crime that this movie has committed is that it was so tedious, dull, and boring. I kept trying to stay awake hoping to catch any impressive actions that might happen, it didn’t happen, I should’ve sleep instead.


Young Dumbledoe in Hogwarts


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